Tag Archives: obsession

Bowhunting: A Healthy Obsession

A Healthy Hunting Obsession


The deer hunt is less than a week away, and not an hour passesĀ  that I don’t think about giant bucks. Bowhunting is the only reason I get out of the bed in the morning. It’s all I care about; everything else in the world is secondary. I’m hopelessly obsessed!

Fortunately it’s a healthy obsession. You see, at this point in my life I’ve come to realize that although I’m good at several things, I’m really only GREAT at one thing: chasing down giant bucks with my bow. Don’t be mad; I didn’t choose it; it chose me.

Now that I’ve come to grips with this curse, I have only three goals this year. They are:

  1. To shoot a monster buck over 200″.
  2. Live a healthy and fit lifestyle so I can physically go about chasing 200″ bucks.
  3. Work my butt off during the off-season so I can afford the time to chase a 200″ buck.

Pretty simple, right!?

Whatever you’re doing in life, I urge you to find your healthy obsession. Most people aren’t born with magical gifts, rather we must search our passions and then fight relentlessly to achieve the seemingly impossible prize. Do or die doing!