Taxidermy Turkey Fan Mounts
In just the last three decades, previously nonexistent wild turkeys have flourished in Utah. Now anyone can buy an over-the-counter general turkey tag and go out hunting for these big, noisy, and tasty birds every spring.

If you apply for a “limited entry” turkey tag, you can even hunt them in April, a full month before general hunters. This definitely increases your odds of success.
Once you’ve harvested a great gobbler, it seems a shame to just waste all those unique, iridescent feathers. The wild turkey is no Thankgiving birdis is no thanksgiving bird; it is nature’s beauty at it’s finest.
Fortunately, your friendly, neighborhood taxidermist (me) now offers a wonderful way to display your turkey and preserve all those exciting hunting memories for a lifetime. I proudly present the…
Turkey Fan Mount

This turkey was taken by my brother, Brent. Congratulations on a fine, adult strutter!
The spurs shown on the plaque above are used for fighting among breeding males.

If you’re interested in having your turkey fan mounted, prices start at $100. There’s an additional cost if you want to include the skull and/or wings. You can choose an engraved nameplate attached.
For more info, visit natestaxidermy.net.
Note: I don’t sell the wood plaque mount, I just mount the bird on the plaque. If you’re interested in mounting one yourself, the mounting kits are available on Amazon and some sporting goods stores.