Hunting Checklist

My Hunting/Camping Checklist

I just got back from an impromptu deer scouting trip, and right away I’m inspired to share my personal “hunting checklist.” My wife and I were in a hurry to get out-of-town, so naturally we forgot several things. I won’t make this mistake during my actual hunt, believe me!

Since bowhunting deer is the most important thing I do each year, I’m very thorough in preparation. I’ve been compiling this list for more than twenty years and adding new new items each year.

Note:  Some items don’t apply for short trips, or every trip, but it is very important to have a checklist handy so you don’t forget anything.

Do I miss anything? Let me know.

hunting camping gear equipmentchecklist
Bowhunting and camping checklist


One thought on “Hunting Checklist”

  1. Looks good. I do the same thing. I have a comprehensive master list where I just delete whatever is not needed for each particular trip. It’s pretty much the same as your list.

    Couple of comments on your list:
    -‘Fix-a-Flat’…good one, never know when and ‘anti’ will slash your tires.

    -‘Fly swatter’…ha ha, that one’s not on my list, but sounds useful during field dressing of game in Aug-Sept.

    -‘Pepper spray’…yeah, that’s on my list, too. I call it ‘hippy spray’. I think they are scarier than predators.

    -‘Immodium AD’…I’d add that one to your list. Never know when the filter may not quite do its job 100%, or something else happens, like bad mayo on that burger you ate on the way to the trailhead. Runs in the back country suck!

    -‘Whistle’…small and lite, but potentially useful if you break a leg in thick trees and need searchers to find you. I make sure all my kids carry a whistle in the wilderness, just in case i lose them.

    -I noticed you included duct tape and super glue. So do I. Great for 1st aid, and multiple other uses.

    My checklist is compartmentalized into sections (i.e., “Food-related”, and “Clothing”, and “Game tracking/cleaning”, etc.). Makes it a little easier for me when I am packing and to find things on a long list.

    Anyway, great job. Good luck getting that 200+ incher this year!

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