Tag Archives: gear list

Hunting Checklist

My Hunting/Camping Checklist

I just got back from an impromptu deer scouting trip, and right away I’m inspired to share my personal “hunting checklist.” My wife and I were in a hurry to get out-of-town, so naturally we forgot several things. I won’t make this mistake during my actual hunt, believe me!

Since bowhunting deer is the most important thing I do each year, I’m very thorough in preparation. I’ve been compiling this list for more than twenty years and adding new new items each year.

Note:  Some items don’t apply for short trips, or every trip, but it is very important to have a checklist handy so you don’t forget anything.

Do I miss anything? Let me know.

hunting camping gear equipmentchecklist
Bowhunting and camping checklist